Monday, September 12, 2011

Happy Arts In Education Week!

To commemorate the second annual National Arts in Education Week, we will be posting a variety of information on arts education; including evidence showing the benefits of an arts integrated education as well as ways in which you can help promote the arts in your own school or educational group.

Here are a couple of studies that have proven how important the arts are in a student's education:

The Center for Arts Education published a report in 2009 that suggests arts education may improve graduation rates.

"Taking a look at the role of arts education in New York public schools, this report found that schools with the lowest access also had the highest dropout rates. Conversely, those with the highest graduation rates also had the greatest access to arts education and resources. While there are undoubtedly a number of other factors that play into graduation rates, the research in this study and others like it (most notably The Role of the Fine and Performing Arts in High School Dropout Prevention, which you can read here) has found that many at-risk students cite participation in the arts as their reason for staying. Participation in these activities has a quantifiable impact on levels of delinquency, truancy and academic performance" (

A 2011 study called "Reinvesting in Arts Education" found that integrating arts with other subjects can help raise achievement levels.

"Arts education may not just help raise test scores, but also the learning process itself, as a recent study revealed. This report on the Maryland school system found that skills learned in the visual arts could help improve reading and the counterparts fostered in playing an instrument could be applied to math. Researchers and school officials believe that arts education can be a valuable education reform tool, and classroom integration of creative opportunities could be key to motivating students and improving standardized test scores" (

To see other studies showing the benefits of an arts education visit:

We want to hear from you!
Tell us about a time in which you have witnessed the benefits of an arts integrated education.

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