Monday, February 11, 2013

The Arts Can Make a Real Difference

In recent history, Arts Education has shown to produce positive outcomes from the American Schools' standards-based reforms. In the upcoming reform, more than 40 states have adopted the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) that were created through a voluntary, collective effort by states and serve as the foundation for an education system that demands excellent teaching, high-quality professional development, rigorous curricula, and dynamic assessments.These consistent education standards provide a clear set of shared goals and expectations for the knowledge and skills that will help our (The Nation's) students succeed.

As of now, the Arts have somewhat fallen through the cracks of the newly reformed standards, but that doesn't mean they don't still hold a  valuable place in the educational development of our students; If anything, it shows that Music and Arts are just as relevant and important as they ever were.

To learn more about the importance of Arts Education in America, Click the link to the article below:

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